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Showing posts from January, 2011

What a heart says

“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.” By G. Randolf  Though I tried so hard to tell my mind not to think about it, but I just can't. Each time I woke up, with or without a beautiful dream, my mind keep thinking about it. "Where did I go wrong?" my mind asked. "I don't know" the heart answered her. Or what I can say is, maybe I found another meaning of "it's over" , I define it as "start a new" .  And the heart says to the mind, "Don't worry too much, this is something we can through. Together, we could show the world, that we are strong enough to be beaten by the pain. You can cry all the day, you can shout out loud your anger, but you can't change what's been done. And we can't take what's been gone. it's a fact so face it. Please, be strong" It's funny for me to find that my heart is stronger than my mind. :) "You go Ar! Let's face

I'll make you pay

It's so wrong if you think I'm still the person you can fool around. Hey man, let me prove it to you. I'll make you pay. I'll make you regret what you've done today. It's not a revenge, it's the only way to make you awake.

Broken, Beat, and Scarred

You rise, you fall, your down, then you rise again What don't kill you make you more strong You rise, you fall, your down, then you rise again What don't kill you make you more strong Rise, fall, down, rise again What don't kill you make you more strong Rise, fall, down, rise again What don't kill you make you more strong Through black days Through black nights Through pitch black insights Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming Show your scars Cutting your feet on the hard earth running Show your scars Breaking your life Broken, beat and scarred But we die hard The dawn, the death, the fight to the final breath What don't kill you make you more strong The dawn, the death, the fight to the final breath What don't kill you make you more strong Dawn, death, fight, final breath What don't kill you make you more strong Dawn, death, fight, final breath What don't kill you make you more strong


Saya : Mas, saya jangan dibantai ya? Mas : Kita lihat nanti ya, tapi sebenarnya bukan dibantai sih, lebih tepatnya disempurnakan. Saya : Heeeee (meringis)


What is it in that shiny box? I desperately want to know. I'll try to pick it and take a peek. Come on, open it quickly, said the mind. What do you see? he said. I see something you don't want me to see, answer the eyes. You should have wait until the time comes, you'll know what thing is in that box. Don't need to hurry. Everything is already on their own place, said the heart.

Anak Anak

Anak 1 : Kita ini apa? Anak 2 : Kita ini teman. Anak 1 : (berpikir keras) Aku tidak merasa kita seperti teman. Anak 2 : Kenapa bisa begitu? Kita benar-benar teman kok. Anak 1 : Aku pikir, teman tidak seperti ini. Menurut ku, teman itu seperti dua orang yang berbeda yang dihubungkan dengan satu kepercayaan. Mereka bisa saling mendukung, dan saling menjaga satu sama lain. Mereka tidak menjatuhkan, bahkan berusaha untuk tidak saling menyakiti. Kalaupun salah satu dari mereka secara tidak sengaja menyakiti salah satu yang lain, dia pasti berusaha untuk tidak melakukan hal yang sama. Setidaknya, mereka akan berbicara tentang apa yang telah salah, dan berusaha membenarkan apa yang salah itu. Sedangkan kita ..... Entah lah, aku hanya berpikir kita tidak seperti itu. Meskipun aku berusaha keras meyakinkan diriku atas pernyataan mu, tp aku tidak merasa kita bisa menjadi sepasang teman yang baik. Entahlah, aku sama sekali tidak mengerti. Anak 2 : (diam. kemudian berlalu)


I've just dialed a wrong number. I always tried to call that number though i already knew, it's wrong. So, whose fault? Me? For being a fool who keep trying to call. You? For being so wrong for me to call. We could never make it, even as friends. We might as well be strangers.


With tears filled her eyes, she stared at me in silence. She might be tired, or even exhausted. She kept her eyes on her shoes. Watching the dust blown away by the wind. I tap her shoulder and said, "Be strong, you're gonna hang on until tomorrow.."


Pagi-pagi saya sudah dihantui dengan rasa penasaran mengenai peruntungan shio kelinci di tahun kelinci emas. Langsung lah saya bertanya ke si om gugel, mengenai kelinci di kelinci emas. Berikut yang saya dapatkan : 1903 | 1915 | 1927 | 1939 | 1951 | 1963 | 1975 | 1987 | 1999 | 2011 Jam Kelinci: 05.00 – 06.59 Kelinci dalam mitologi Cina (Fengshui) adalah lambang umur panjang dan dikatakan sebagai turunan Bulan, maka tidak mengherankan bila orang yang lahir pada tahun Kelinci tergolong paling beruntung di antara kedua belas shio lainnya. Kelinci juga melambangkan keanggunan, sopan-santun, nasihat baik, kebaikan dan kepekaan terhadap segala bentuk keindahan. Perkataannya yang lemah-lembut, dan gerak-geriknya yang luwes tetapi cekatan justru membentuk tipe watak yang diperlukan bagi diplomat yang sukses atau politikus yang piawai. Konon, orang yang lahir di bawah shio Kelinci (yang juga dikenal sebagai shio Kucing) akan mengenyam kehidupan yang tenteram, damai, tenang dan